So it begins...

I should say "begins again," because I've ripped it out a few times already!
But first, my introduction. Hello! I'm Shannon, aka Knitgrrl. I've been promising myself a Forecast ever since I saw it, because I love Stefanie, love her patterns, and well... Kim knit one and I wanted a matching sweater for our book tour in the fall! I can only hope I look half as sassy as she does in hers.
I chose charcoal Cascade 220 because I didn't want to distract too much from all the lovely details, and because I've got a ton on hand at the moment (I'm nothing if not highly proactive in stash-reducing). I do love the brighter colored Forecasts, such as the original one and this yellow one Jenna's doing. I am changing up the cable pattern, eliminating the bobbles in favor of using the double-texture cable (page 70 in Barbara Walker's third Treasury). I like the combo knit/purl on the cable itself, looks like it'll fit in nicely.
And if not, I guess I'll just rip it out again!
p.s. that mustard colored yarn at the top edge? provisional cast on...I've got some applied i-cord ideas brewing!
Hey Shannon! That's an awesome grey. I've left my Forecast sitting unloved in the corner for too many weeks. Now that I know you're set on us coordinating our wardrobes in October, I'd better get crackin'!
9:30 AM
Nice i-cord ideas. Never even crossed my mind. I was addicted to bobbles. Note past tense: WAS.
11:53 PM
Uh huh. That's exactly what I was worried about... being 25% done and saying "I am so sick of bobbles, I'm just not going to work them anymore..." Bye bye bobbles!
11:22 AM
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